Thank you for visiting my website. This is where I share my writing life with my lovely readers, all the other writers who sustain me and anyone else who just happens to be passing by.
I am thrilled to have a writing website. Like all the women I know in my life, young and old, I have a multiplicity of roles. I am personally – and in no particular order – novelist, wife, daughter, mother, journalist, cleaner, laundry maid, cook, bottlewasher, finder of lost items, taxi driver, purveyor of food to be disdainfully ignored (the cat), provider of chews, ear jiggling and walks (the dog, who is at least pathetically grateful for any attention at all) and a hopelessly long list of other functions, big and small, which I juggle continuously and largely unsuccessfully every day. With clients, kids, elderly parents and pets to look after my poor husband barely gets a look-in. He occasionally complains, the dog gets more attention than he does but – as I point out in reply – she’s considerably more persistent than he is. And cuter.
I do love my writing though… I’ve been taking every opportunity I can get to disappear into a world of my own for years. My life in Sussex inspires me to write feel-good books about subjects that I find endlessly fascinating, moving and funny i.e. people, how they think and the things they do to each other – all in a beautiful setting, of course, with proper intelligent heroines, hunky heroes and happy endings.
"Oh Poppy Alexander what a gorgeous book you have written and one that will very much touch every reader who takes the opportunity to read this wonderful story."
Shaz’s Book Blog
"…an emotional rollercoaster ride…"
The Ginger Book Geek
"Romantic, heart-warming and completely captivating"
Book After Book
“A beautifully crafted Christmas tale, full of 'magic' and the reality of life in equal measure”
MADEUP Book Reviews
"a beautiful, beautiful story which had my heart under its Christmas tree from the very beginning."
The Writing Garnet
"...a fantastic story that really tugs at your heartstrings as you follow each character in the countdown to Christmas... I adored it."
The Broadbean